A Villa In Indonesia

take a little hike
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With the cost of airfares reaching more affordable rates, despite the oil hikes, travel remains an achievable tasks for most people from the western hemisphere. Getting to asia may cost more than half a years' savings, but once you get to Asia, it can be relatively inexpensive. For example, the price of a 2-3 bedroom villa which sleeps two in a room, would probably fit a family of 6. And the good news, believe it or not; if you follow the right leads, you'll probably have your own pool for the pricea and treat the family for the price of a single room at Hyatt in Manhatten. Us$300 can offer your family the space, the comforts and the tropical sunshine. Afterall what price would you give this deal for a nite for 6 in a villa home of your own in the US ? It works out at approximately US$50 per head per nite.
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